건축정보/소개 (2) 썸네일형 리스트형 건축사 예비시험 접수 오늘 부터 건축사 예비시험 접수일 입니다. 저도 이번에 다시한번 도전을 하게 되네요.. ㅜㅜ 언제 끝나려는지 아쉽네요. 매번 한다고 해도 살짝 모자라나 보네요~ http://exam.kira.or.kr/ See-through Church by Gijs Van Vaerenbergh See-through Church by Gijs Van Vaerenbergh published in: Architecture By Marcia Argyriades, 11 September 2011 photo © Kristof Vrancken/Z33 As soon as my eyes came across the press release images, the word ‘transparency’ immediately came to mind; although lately ‘transparency’ has tended to be a bit of a cliché, where transparency is called upon all over; in governments, business, and in some cou.. 이전 1 다음